About us
Our story
Don’t let the name fool you the menu is not all salads and vegan, it also has a twist on traditional Bajan dishes, cutters and succulent offerings of local meats such as blackbelly lamb, beef and pork.
Our Executive Chef
Award winning
By now you must have heard of Executive Chef Rhea Gilkes, known for her flavourful dishes and fancy dressing.
The Edible Garden Café is the manifestation of her vision of eating from the land - it doesn’t matter if it is liquid, solid, sweet, salt, or bitter, Chef Rhea believes that a healthy, tasty meal can be the outcome. Now you can touch, taste, and even smell her vision. It’s divine!

When and where
How to find us
Featured Upcoming Events
Just like us, our diners are layered and multi-dimensional, that's why we host events that match who you are.