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French Delights!

Oh là là Martinique!

It’s easier to write about food that I don’t like, because the list is short, beets and okras. I will pretty much eat anything else at least once, if I don’t like it, I can always spit it out. But I will try it. In fact, I live to try whatever. So, I travel to eat rather than travel and eat. 2019 saw me in Martinique and the foooddddd….I love pancakes, waffles, crepes any breakfast type food especially when it is not breakfast time.

Then it was off to The Yellow for some quite sophisticated French delights, Duck Liver Paté, Bouillabaise (Seafood stew) kind a like a soup, which I do love soup so…5 stars! Oysters Rockerfeller (an oldie but a goodie). Then it was off to La Favorite for the tour and my first taste of Rhum Agricole. Now that deserves a rave/rant all on its own! They (the French Caribbean) make their rum with sugarcane juice rather than molasses… blasphemy! or no? You have to try it to have an opinion!