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Really Cheesy

The Cheese Made Me Do It

Cheese predates written history, let that sink in, no one knows for sure who started it but we are eternally grateful to them. Early cheese making involved placing milk in an animals stomach where the enzymes (rennet) present reacted with milk solids to separate curds from whey, (mostly water). The curds are then pressed and treated in a thousand different ways to make the huge varieties of cheese available. Sounds kinda gross but, the ancestors were on that survival vibe and we appreciate them.

What do we love? Smoked cheeses on cheese boards (Sharcoohcie boards, if you will), sheep’s milk cheeses with beer and musty blue cheeses with salads, especially if you put fruit or nuts in it. I won’t rant against processed cheese, I just won’t eat it. 

I have made both cheese and butter and… yes it is worth the effort to do it yourself. I mean because of the flavour, and not the sense of superiority to others who have not made their own, and therefore would not survive on the frontier (Heh!)